
Monday, December 24, 2012

Cute Snowman Cupcakes

I saw this super cute idea on Pinterest for snowman cupcakes and I really really wanted to make them. As much as I love Pinterest the only problem was that there were no directions on how to make them so I decided that I would make something up on my own and share with you guys! It didn't take a genius to figure out how to make them, I just used store bought vanilla frosting for the face, mini chocolate chips for the eyes , and candy canes for the nose. You can use any flavor for the cupcakes like peppermint, red velvet, or plain vanilla like I did.


  1. Frost icing on cupcakes
  2. Add the chocolate chips in a half circle close to the bottom for the mouth
  3. Add two chocolate chips pretty close together for the eyes
  4. Use a knife to cut a small piece of the candy cane
  5. Place the candy cane between the mouth and the eyes
These are perfect for a holiday party and they aren't super hard to make so I hope you enjoy them and have an amazing Christmas!



  1. i love your page! keep up the good work! i would love to see more of your cupcake recipes!!<3


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